Blackandproudclub: Urban culture Inspired apparel and wellness products

Embrace the richness of urban culture with Blackandproudclub.
Offering print-on-demand and dropshipping apparel. accessories, and products that enhance relaxation and comfort. Experience the euphoria of our uniquely crafted items

with every purchase you make we donate to help our brothers & sisters in need!

know our cause!

be in style with our unique designs!

get this on a hoodie!

get this on a mug!

get this on a shirt!



We owe many popular music forms to the Black community. Rock and Roll, Techno, Jazz, Disco โ€“ you name it. Hip-Hop was born in New York of Black, Latino and marginalised communities, and hip-hop in the mainstream developed to largely to be seen as Black. Developing an awareness of โ€˜hip-hop historyโ€™ can be important to understanding how the contemporary west treats and represents Blackness and how Black popular culture works in the mainstream.

feel the beat with this cool shirt!

show pride in your color!

greatness in black

A teenager named Claudette Colvin got arrested in 1955 for refusing to give up her bus seat for a white woman. Some local civil rights leaders saw the event as a chance to highlight the city's unfair bus policy, but decided that Colvin was too young to represent the struggle. Still, Colvin's act inspired Rosa Parks to do the same thing nine months later โ€” and Parks' arrest sparked one of the biggest civil rights campaigns of all time.

there are more tales of freedom!

black has also contributed to the society!

never forget the past!

All too often, Black history has been overlooked, minimized or โ€” even worse โ€” erased. Yet the contributions of Black people to society influence every part of how we live, from the art and culture we consume to the rights we have.

make a statement!

We don't repeat designs.

Our "Urban Vibes" T-shirt embodies the essence of inner-city life. The design features vibrant graffiti art.

make a request

Our team of designers will develop and create amazing products and designs to keep you looking great.

we got lyrics

There are some you may remember and on some we've added a bit of a twist.

it's not just a t-shirt

it's a statement

Pair it with jeans or shorts for a casual look, or dress it upwith a blazer for a more sophisticated style. Wear your culture with pride with our "Urban vibes" T-Shirt.